Zoe Diddie - Ann Ale (Explicit)Album: Lavi
- Title
Ann Ale
- Artist
Zoe Diddie
- Album
- Version
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Platinum House Ent
- Contact
Zoe Diddie, Artist
- Region
South East
- Kbps
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- Rating
4.83 out of 5
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Zoe Diddie
Ann Ale
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Song Overview
> Platinum House Ent releases hit single "Ann Ale" by Artist Zoe Diddie. Zoe Diddie was inspired to record Ann Ale after listening to one of Meek Mills intros. "I decided to recreate something that made me feel the way that intro did, but basically about my life," says Zoe Diddie. The video is available via YouTube. Song is available for download on Zoe Diddies last Mixtape #Lavi on #MyMixtapez