Porter Rich ft Balla Rich - Got Me Some Bands (Explicit)Album: N/A
Porter Rich ft Balla Rich - Got Me Some Bands (Clean)Album: N/A
- Title
Got Me Some Bands
- Artist
Porter Rich ft Balla Rich
- Album
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Cash Money AP
- Label
Stack Large Ent
- Contact
Breezy Says
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.88 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
VirDiKO…#1 Trusted Website For Professional DJ’s! #WeWORK
Porter Rich ft Balla Rich
Got Me Some Bands
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Song Overview
Young Lye aka Porter Rich's hot track "Got Me Some Bands" is making its way through radio waves via Hot97FM by Love & Hip-hop NY's, DJ DrewSKI whom he shares familial ties to via his fiancée Sky also a cast member from Love & Hip-hop NY, whom is Porter Rich's cousin. "Got Me Some Bands" is also getting spins on Power1O51FM NYC by DJ SussOne and DJ Willnyc. Everyone that has gotten their hands on "Got Me Some Bands" is showing support and vibing heavy with the track. Porter Rich is busy promoting the record by performing at least twice per week at various venues. Support and Feedback is greatly appreciated, send in drop request as Porter Rich is ready to support every DJ rocking with his movement. Stack Large Empire is continuing to go harder than ever to show that they are here to stay.