1. 1
    Oh Please_dirty pass_(mastered)
    Album: Coming Soon
  2. 2
    Oh Please_clean edit_(mastered) (1)
    Album: Coming Soon

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Young Balli

Oh Please


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Song Overview

(Phone 1-305-360-8436) (Contact- Uncle Balli)

DJ Feedback

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

Hit 4 Sure Famo Send me a drop 9.0 Official

Mr.5th The DJ, Burlington, KY U.S.

clear voice,where is acapella

emenence, portland,or

hot hot hot

Anthony Jiles, Milwaukee

If you're interested in being featured on my conference call mixtape let me know. Dropping soon. Just email me and I'll give you info. As I said before, it's a nice riding track.

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/USA

not a radio single good for the mixtapes


Run with it... Get with DJs and put plan in motion

Bigg V, , USA/Europe

DOPE TRACK ! flow , voice, content, production, i need drops !!!

Tall Reek, DMV-BALT

Its a good track ... i like the Hook the best ... and the beat

Dj Dacick 1, Killeen, TX USA

I like it . Different sound beat goes hard

Kay Black, , Jacksonville Fl

Record doing good on mixtape

Evryting Criss, , Durham,NC


Dj winn, , Fla


Dj kcking, Fort Wayne

Hot need a drop.. sent to shudson1229@yahoo.com ( you in the mix with DJ BULL ON POWER94)

djbull, pearland tx

good record i like the vibe

dj cube, ATL

It's definitely something different to me. It's nice and a track you can ride and vibe to. Go hard with the promo cause it has potential if you push it right.

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/USA

Hard track. Beat on point. Hook slapping. Flow on point too. It's a go in clubs and mixtapes if you ask me. Dope.

Tony Davis The DJ, Alabama

Dope record, have added to my radio rotation

TampaMystic, , ATL

Cool record something good for mixtapes

Dj seizure, , Miami, fl

Dope track . Something good for a mixtape

Kay Black, , Jacksonville FL

Solid Track run with it and Get with DJS put a plan in motion

Bigg V, USAEurope

Send drop and will place on mixtape. I like dis!

Evryting Criss, , DurhamNC


DJ BIG BOI, panama city

I like this this record it's a street & mixtape record I would like to see a visual

djhypemancrunk, , Tennessee

I like this one ...production. track goes hard

Dj Gcode, , Greenville sc usa

Song solid, good mixtape track.

Dj HeadBussa, Tampa

Great track, in rotation on our end!!!!! Send drops for djs

kingpin, atlanta

Nice track. Deff something for the Mixtapes.

DJ Shalamar, , The South/Fl/US