1. Salute ft Bigga Rankin & Scarface - Plantation Mentality (Explicit)
    Album: Patience
  2. Salute ft Bigga Rankin & Scarface - Plantation Mentality (Radio)
    Album: Patience

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Salute ft. Bigga Rankin & Scarface

Plantation Mentality


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Song Overview

Plantation Mentality is the description & diagnosis of what's happening in communities all over the world. Especially minorities that are suffering from generational curses, social/economic injustices, & police brutality.

DJ Feedback

Dope track, something the streets will relate to. Beat is hard

TampaMystic, atl

super dope

ms Echia, KY/TN

i like the flow of the track... dope message and i like the lyrics... a song for the streets to definitely feel... i like it


Dope song I like the concept

djhypemancrunk, Gates Tn USA

I was happy to hear Bigga's strong voice in your intro. I'm even more happy because YOU HAVE A MESSAGE.... you're not talking about the usual (sex, money, drugs). My hebrew brothers would love this record. Send drops to djmhpromo@gmail.com (SCM Radio.com) is the station.

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/ USA


DJ Big 6, Spartanburg, SC USA

Dope Finally A Song with A Message Dope Need Drops And Wanna Set Up And Interview

Dj Big Stew, NEW YORK