Salute ft Bigga Rankin & Scarface - Plantation Mentality (Explicit)Album: Patience
Salute ft Bigga Rankin & Scarface - Plantation Mentality (Radio)Album: Patience
- Title
Plantation Mentality
- Artist
Salute ft. Bigga Rankin & Scarface
- Album
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Dre Beatz
- Label
Come Up Gang Coalition
- Contact
Jermaine Green, CEO Come Up Gang or Angela Green, COO Come Up Gang...official email: info@comeupgang.com
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.86 out of 5
- Website
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Salute ft. Bigga Rankin & Scarface
Plantation Mentality
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Song Overview
Plantation Mentality is the description & diagnosis of what's happening in communities all over the world. Especially minorities that are suffering from generational curses, social/economic injustices, & police brutality.