KC Ruskii ft. Lil Baby – Wrist (Explict)Album: Coming Soon!
KC Ruskii ft. Lil Baby – Wrist (Radio)Album: Coming Soon!
- Title
- Artist
KC Ruskii ft. Lil Baby
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Radio - Explicit
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
FKI Rich
- Label
School'Em Records
- Contact
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.57 out of 5
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KC Ruskii ft. Lil Baby
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Song Overview
School’Em Records releases new single from 19 year old up and coming artist KC RUSKII titled “Wrist” featuring artist Lil Baby. The single is produced by FKI Rich. Video for single will be released later this month.
Artist KC RUSKII wants to use his talent and love for music to put on for his area (513). There was no question for RUSKII and his team when it came to who he wanted to service his single, OG Bigga Rankin. “I wanted to work with someone who believed in independent artist”, says RUSKII. Coolrunning DJs has been breaking records for decades.
KC RUSKII is currently finishing his mixtape, which will be dropped before the end of 2017. Keep your ears open for follow up single “Undelay” dropping November 2017.