1. Aint No Tellin Dirty
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. Aint No Tellin Clean
    Album: Coming Soon!

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James Swetmusic

Aint No Tellin


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Song Overview

Basically its a track about me ....the hook kinda explains the track really.. ain't no telling bout me, what i might be wearing..or what type of shit i may be on ..on a daily basis..

DJ Feedback

Nice track.... Lets get it in rotation. Holla back

DJ Sammy Jammy, Miami Beach, FL USA

Good record...Took me straight to Box Chevy days...

Dj Jus Swagg, , Washington, USA

I have “TWO” shows, one is on NLD RADIO (TUNEIN) called "The Grind Show", and the other is on Virdiko Global Radio. In it's programming there is a segment called "The Shoutout". The concept is simple and to the point. I tag each artists single with their "ShoutOut" to give the record a more organic feel, and it also lets listeners hear the artists voice, etc plus it gives the show a live presence.... Ya dig... Drop Script: Whuts good this is (you) and when im in Atlanta im tuned into The Grind Show with dj mingo. (once you say that, you can briefly shoutout your social feeds etc) Your track will be uploaded with, and without the drop, added to our rotation, and included in our mixtape series.


nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

Nice catchy track + good club record

DJ Such N Such, , Atlanta/Ga/United States

Get with DJs and put play in motion

Bigg V, , USA/Europe

Cool record. something different but something easy to mix into other current records.

DJ Seizure, Miami, FL

Song got a hard bounce to it. Catchy beat. Catchy hook and concept. I'm rocking with it.

Tony Davis The DJ, , Alabama

Track is fire...will work in the streets, clubs & on mixtapes

TampaMystic, Atlanta

Digging this record, beat is riding and it sounds like something current. A remix with a top south rapper would be great too.

Evryting Criss, Durham,NC

Originality will catch most off top. I like it.

Dayo-Negasi, Chicago, AmeriKKKa

My type of groove right here. "Ain't noooo, telling." "Ain't no telling, nope"

Mphatic, Tuscaloosa, AL USA

Hot Track, Its In The Mix, Need Da Instrumental On This

DJ Murdock, Indpls, In. U.S.


Dj Kenni Starr, France

Yup..... Great work..

Nuevo, , Hobbs,New Mexico - El Paso,Tx