1. BIG - Kat St. John (Dirty)
    Album: Coming Soon
  2. BIG - Kat St. John (Clean)
    Album: Coming Soon
Coming Soon Cover Team Bigga Rankin Logo


Kat St John



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The beginning was shocking and caught my attention right off top, I like a woman that gets straight to the point. This nice!!!

Breezy Says, International

im feeling this!!!!! something for the ladies. maybe a anthem maybe????? i want just a little bit more energy though.

DJ BIG BOI, panama city, FLA

RAW LYRICS AND HYPONTIZING HOOK. THIS SHOULD BE A GO ! BEAT AND PRODUCTION ON POINT.. These lyrics so raunchy and raw .. I suggest to get the streets hip create a slick lyric video, continue to work with TBR on servicing the record, by time official video hit.. this will be a GO .. my market will accept this HANDS DOWN .. send me a email so I can provide a drop script

Tall Reek, DMV

Dope song, like the concept and the production

TampaMystic, ATL

oh yea I'm def rocking with this vocals on point to

Chill Will, Valdosta Ga

Is a Dope record for the ladies

djhypemancrunk, Tennessee

Needs a lil bit more energy . Definitely has a lot of potential

Pryme Time, Ga / Tn

I'm liking The beat.. I can't vibe with the song overall. Can I hear another selection? JustFyah850@gmail.Com

JustFiyah, Penscola, FL, USA

the production is dope .... i wont be the singing the hook lol but im sure the ladies will love this record...

el plaga, tennessee

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

Nice production

DJ Kayenne, Houston, TX USA

ooook lol. I rock this..

DJ Sammy Jammy, Miami Beach, FL USA

Sends drops - monsterusradio@gmail.com

E-MONSTA, Minneapolis