Marbo Beatz - Birthday (Dirty)Album: MP4
Marbo Beatz - Birthday (Clean)Album: MP4
- Title
- Artist
Marbo Beatz
- Album
- Version
Radio - Explicit
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Marbo Beatz
- Label
Marbo Beatz Productions LLC
- Contact
Marvin D. Lewis "Marbo Beatz" / Artist & Producer
- Region
South West
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.50 out of 5
- Video Url
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Marbo Beatz
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Song Overview
I specifically and strategically created "Birthday" as an every event, everyday turn up anthem. Being from the deep south, and only one hour from Baton Rouge and 2 from New Orleans, I created the track at a typical 80 bpm that's typical for Baton Rouge track, and specifically added the well known "Trigga Man Sample" widely used in New Orleans bounce music. To make it modern and acceptable for all regions, I incorporated that DJ Mustard bass line and modernized the track with familiar "Hey" sample.
This track was specifically engineered and created from the ground up to be the newest, hottest, turn up twerk , shake , dance and party song. I made sure that on the lyrical side that the melody hook was catchy and that the verse was melodic but had a lot of bars. So this is a well rounded track for even hip hop heads who like bars... don't believe me.. listen for yourself