DJ Jay Woods x STMG x Tastey Michelle - Birthday (Radio)
DJ Jay Woods x STMG x Tastey Michelle - Birthday (Instrumental)
- Title
- Artist
DJ Jay Woods x STMG x Tastey Michelle
- Album
Birthday (EP)
- Version
Radio - Explicit - Instrumental
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Amazing Entertainment
- Contact
Xavier Manager
- Region
- Kbps
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- Rating
4.90 out of 5
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DJ Jay Woods x STMG x Tastey Michelle
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Song Overview
DJ Jay Woods is re-energized with New Single “Birthday” to Celebrate his birthday. The song features STMG (DemGuyz), whom have hit top 200 on Shazam 3 times. This group has an energetic way to keep fans involved. “Birthday” also features Tastey Michelle, known for her raunchy vocabulary and unique delivery. Everybody needs good, fun, and energetic club music; This record does that justice.