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Album: Coming Soon
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Lola Brooke - Cash Out RADIOAlbum: Coming Soon
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Lola Brooke - Cash Out INSTRUMENTALAlbum: Coming Soon
- Title
Cash Out
- Artist
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Team Eighty Entertainment
- Contact
Sha Morgan
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Video Url
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Cash Out
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Song Overview
As she puts the finishing touches on her upcoming debut mixtape, Lola Brooke proudly delivers the visual for her warmup single "Cash Out."
The action-packed visual brings another layer to the energy-filled track, which finds Lola delivering bars of money motivation over a producer Reefa's fresh spin on a Southern Hip-Hop banger. Standing in contrast with previous releases like "Bipolar," and "Not The Same," the new single serves to reinforce the versatility Lola Brooke brings to the game.
Packed into the Brooklynite raptress’ petite frame are all the makings of the music world’s next superstar: a boisterous personality, the versatility to carve her space in any creative medium; and above all the lyrical ability to hold her own against any competitor. As the Hip-Hop world finally begins to make space for female artists, Lola Brooke not only stands out in a sea of interchangeable newcomers.