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Album: Steel Drumz
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Steel Drumz ft Mike Smiff - Deserve That (Radio)Album: Steel Drumz
- Title
Deserve That
- Artist
Steel Drumz ft. Mike Smiff
- Album
Steel Drumz
- Version
Radio - Explicit
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Gorilla Tek
- Label
Steeldrumz Music Group
- Contact
Sherry C. - Manager
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.89 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
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Steel Drumz ft. Mike Smiff
Deserve That
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Song Overview
The dynamic Miami duo, Steel Drumz music is back with fellow Miami artist, Slip N Slide's records very own Mike Smiff on the new record "Deserve That". I must admit I had become accustomed to their fast-paced releases, but "Deserve That" became an instant favorite. The inspirational and mellow, Gorilla Tec produced track that depicts all of us that have worked hard and are reaping our labor because we "Deserve That". Accompanied by a dope visual directed by FNO Productions and set in the world’s most beautiful backdrop, Miami; it's a complete release that should be added to playlists everywhere. Check out the video and support the single on all digital streaming sites. Support and Feedback are greatly appreciated.