Throwed Ese FT Pancho V & Lucky Luciano - DJ Going In DIRTY
Throwed Ese - DJ Going In (Instrumental)
- Title
DJ Goin In
- Artist
Throwed Ese feat Pancho V & Lucky Luciano
- Album
R.O.T. 2 - Rawest Outta Texas
- Version
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Salty Water Records/Southern Royalty Empire
- Contact
Jose Valles
- Region
South West
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.78 out of 5
- Website
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Throwed Ese feat Pancho V & Lucky Luciano
DJ Goin In
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Song Overview
Salty Water Records/Southern Royalty Empire presents new music by Throwed Ese feat Pancho V & Lucky Luciano titled DJ Goin In produced by 2Much.