1. 1
    Iggy Badd - Do It (Explicit)
    Album: Single
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    Iggy Badd - Do It (Radio)
    Album: Single

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Single Cover Iggy Badd LLC Logo


Iggy Badd

Do It


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Song Overview

Provocative, intoxicating, it just gets the people going! Capturing the excitement of partying at an entertainment club, 'Do It" exudes a carnal mood.

Artist Bio: Tiara Kasandra Williams, also recognized by her stage name Iggy Badd, is an independent American Rapper and Musician. Born in Boston, MA, and raised in Memphis, TN., After taking up Orchestra, and learning both violin and piano, Tiara cultivated a natural ear for music and was well on her way to performing for dynamic audiences that included renowned celebrities such as Stevie Wonder and Laura Bush. After releasing and performing her singles Halloween, Do It, and Badd, she began to gain a fanbase and create buzz at various venues in Atlanta, Ga such as Smith Olde Bar, Ourbar, and Opium.

DJ Feedback


DJ Chocolate ATL, Covington, GA USA

i need a dj drop

djbossman318, Shreveport, LA USA

Dear Artist Your Song Has Been Selected To Be Featured On Quiet Money Radio's Coast To Coast Wednesday Show. You Can Check Out Coast To Coast Wednesday At 6pm-8pm CST If Your Song Is Selected At The End Of The Night , We Will Automatically Add It To Our New Music Rotation You Can Listen To Quiet Money Radio Download Our App Quiet Money Radio Live365 - Quiet Money Radio Icecast - Quiet Money Radio Thanks

Quiet Money Radio, Starkville, MS USA

Nice spin time

Dj Dj Tone, Baltimore, MD USA


Djbillblast, USA, CT USA

like it

DJ Teeunique, Bend, OR USA

🚨🚨 nice song for the clubs

Macksippi, , Greenville, USA

Very Nice...

D.J. E. Supreme, Cincinnati, OH USA


Dj Loel, Seaboard, NC US


Dj Thirsty, Orangeburg