Dekoren Rose - Floyd Ali Tyson (Explicit)Album: Gimme Me 3
Dekoren Rose - Floyd Ali Tyson (Radio)Album: Gimme Me 3
- Title
Floyd Ali Tyson
- Artist
Dekoren Rose
- Album
Gimme Me 3
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Korey Swagger
- Label
Die Happy LLC
- Contact
Dekoren Rose
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Website
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Dekoren Rose
Floyd Ali Tyson
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Song Overview
From Mixtape: Gimme Me 3, Mr.Rose continues to prove why his lane was created only for him. Floyd Ali Tyson is literally food for the ears, as it creates a reminiscent, elegantly-wavy vibe. As the reversed harmonies melt together with the cadence of the creator, the track just becomes IT.