DJ/Radio Drops Provided Upon Request
  1. Cheezy - Fuck The Grammys
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. Cheezy - Fuck The Grammys [clean]
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Fuck The Grammys


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Song Overview

Clearly a record that speaks of not letting someone else validation get in the way of making your money. You don't have to win a trophy to be relevant when getting the trophys out the streets are way more valuable than a bunch of culture vultures in suits.

DJ Feedback

hot send over drops to

Dj BME, Plymouth, NC USA

Hard af

DJ KSin, Lafayette, LA USA

Street Anthem!!

VirDiKO Global Radio, DFW, TX USA

Dear Artist, Quiet Money Radio Will be adding your song to our Coast To Coast Playlist TONIGHT!!! You can tune in to Coast to Coast tonight from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. CST

Quiet Money Radio, Starkviile Ms