YGN LOCO ft Lou Davinci - Go Get It (Explicit)Album: FEAR (FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE)
YGN LOCO ft Lou Davinci - Go Get It (Radio)Album: FEAR (FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE)
- Title
Go Get It
- Artist
YGN LOCO ft Lou Davinci
- Album
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
GIO (Greatness in One)
- Contact
4322705231 Carlos / 2026740073 AL (Manager)
- Region
South East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
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YGN LOCO ft Lou Davinci
Go Get It
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Song Overview
YGN LOCO aka Los or Carlito , coming from the North side of Jacksonville Florida , with a team behind him called Young Gifted Network. HE Has various flows which give him an edge on other artist, from going fast, slow and changing his tones on songs, with the ability to no pad no pen give you a hot 16 on the spot, you don't know what to expect.