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Album: Coming Soon!
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Quene' Foree ft. BlueAsDaSky & Iyn Jay - Good Woman INSTRUMENTALAlbum: Coming Soon!
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Quene' Foree ft. BlueAsDaSky & Iyn Jay - Good Woman ACAPELLA RADIOAlbum: Coming Soon!
- Title
Good Woman
- Artist
Quene Foree ft. BlueAsDaSky & Iyn Jay
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Radio - Instrumental - Acapella Radio
- Category
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Legacy Music Groups
- Contact
Ken Wilson
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.82 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
- TikTok
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Quene Foree ft. BlueAsDaSky & Iyn Jay
Good Woman
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Song Overview
Quené Forée, the highly anticipated emerging recording artist, is poised to captivate audiences with the upcoming release of her debut single, "Good Woman”, featuring Blueasdasky and Iyn Jay. Hitting airwaves and digital platforms on June 28th, this eagerly awaited track promises to showcase Forée's unique blend of soulful vocals, heartfelt lyrics, and irresistible melodies.
DJ feedback greatly appreciated. #GoodWoman