1. 1
    Adriiana feat. Gucci Mane - High Heels EXPLICIT
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. 2
    Adriiana feat. Gucci Mane - High Heels RADIO
    Album: Coming Soon!
  3. 3
    Adriiana feat. Gucci Mane - High Heels INSTRUMENTAL
    Album: Coming Soon!
  4. 4
    Adriiana feat. Gucci Mane - High Heels ACAPELLA EXPLICIT
    Album: Coming Soon!
  5. 5
    Adriiana feat. Gucci Mane - High Heels ACAPELLA RADIO
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Coming Soon! Cover Adriiana Music Corp Logo


Adriiana feat. Gucci Mane

High Heels


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Song Overview

Adriiana featuring Gucci Mane titled "High Heels" produced by The Exclusives & EDIMAH Entertainment.

DJ Feedback

It's smooth..real good for a mixtape.

DJ Official, Hampton, GA USA

#DJApedemakRose added to my priority list, expect results soon....

DJ Apedemak Rose, Evanston, IL USA

I love This woman, She has a Amazing Voice.

DJ RU, , Houston, USA

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us


Selecta Ash, grenada

Its cool. Mixtape

DJ BEAZY, Indianapolis, in

nice & smooth

DJ Taz, Dallas

nice good song and video I like the beat and lyrics and meaning ,a hit I would play in club and shows send me some dj drops, djwill42301@gmail.com

dj will da thrill, owensboro ky 42301

send drops to help us push - monsterusradio@gmail.com

EMONSTA, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA


DJ Kool Ken, Detroit, MI, US


djjupz78@gmail.com, , Ocean Springs, USA