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All Day Jay - HoverCraftAlbum: Coming Soon
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All Day Jay - HoverCraft [clean]Album: Coming Soon
- Title
- Artist
All Day Jay
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
All Day Jay
- Label
- Contact
Management - Rod
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Video Url
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All Day Jay
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Song Overview
Hovercraft the single really has the same meaning as Hovercraft the project. It’s about me not necessarily being where I want to be, but I've taken off, I've ascended , and I’m hovering. When I say “my hard drive like gold mines” I’m saying this is good but wait until you see what I have in store, because I'll grow and ascend again. Hovercraft, the single is also about as I'm ascending, I'm still true to myself and who I am.