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    JayDoe - I Did It ft Zico
    Album: Jay Doe - NO LEAKS

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Jay Doe - NO LEAKS  Cover str8musicgroup Logo


Jaydoe feat Zico

I Did It


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Song Overview

From the Str8music Group comes Jay Doe first out the gate with his single "I DID IT" Download the Mixtape FREE at http://www.datpiff.com/JayDoe-No-Leaks-mixtape.356046.html

DJ Feedback

nice joint....need a drop

dj barry, , Fayetteville,NC

nice will put in the mix

thedon, , corby uk

Str8 up Banger!!!!!!!!!!!

James, , Miami, USA


impact292, , Los Angeles

The lyrics aren't bad but the track seemed to drag to me. When the feature came in, it dragged even more. The hook is catchy but maybe work on the speed of the vocals or use them on a different track.

mahogani, , Shreveport, LA