1. Ashley Poole - If It Feels So Good - RADIO
    Album: Comming Soon!
  2. Ashley Poole - If It Feels So Good - Remix - RADIO
    Album: Comming Soon!
  3. Ashley Poole - If It Feels So Good Extended Remix - INSTRUMENTAL
    Album: Comming Soon!
  4. Ashley Poole - If It Feels So Good - Acapella
    Album: Comming Soon!
  5. Ashley Poole - If It Feels So Good INSTRUMENTAL
    Album: Comming Soon!

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Ashley Poole

If It Feels Right


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Song Overview

Ashley Poole - If It Feels Right

DJ Feedback

nice beatn rapp vocals feeling this fire dancing o yeahhhh plzzz send me some dj drops

DJ Will DA Thrill, Owensboro ky usa

adding to rotation on Mic Check Radio www.AotNMedia.com

CaNN B, Cincinnati OH

hot club joint need drops and interview

dj big stew, , New York

this is a club track, Miami and California, the UK club will love this track, the gay and dance clubs across the country will also push this track. nice voice she can party. DJ NEW YORK CITY KEN 310-229-5313 RECORDBREAKERS1@AOL.COM