1. Certified Song - I'm Certified (Explicit)
    Album: ML4 StreetBlessing
  2. Certified Song - I'm Certified (Radio)
    Album: ML4 StreetBlessing

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ML4 StreetBlessing Cover Mob Execs Logo


Certified Song

I'm Certified


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Song Overview

Artist Certified releases 1st single, self titled "Certified" off upcoming mixtape hosted by OG Bigga Rankin. The single is produced by Black Keys and engineered by DJ Stikubush.

DJ Feedback

Spin It

dj petai, Harrisburg

Hotttt Track. Going to playlist on Defiant Radio.

Jepi, UK

On point #certified will give a few spins. Send a drop to 942blazin@email.com Say something like: "this is certified, and right now you're listening my new single im certified right here on 94.2 Blazin Hip hop and r&b



da king djej, cordele ga

Man this record is hot. Nice flow and the singer sounds like Estelle and made it 10 times hotter

Evryting Criss, Durham,NC