Stix - Im Lit RADIO VirDiKOAlbum: Calculated Expressions
Stix - Im Lit EXPLICIT VirDiKOAlbum: Calculated Expressions
Stix - Im Lit ACAPELLA VirDiKOAlbum: Calculated Expressions
Stix - Im Lit INSTRUMENTAL VirDiKOAlbum: Calculated Expressions
Stix - Im Lit SHOW MIX VirDiKOAlbum: Calculated Expressions
- Title
I'm Lit
- Artist
Stix featuring Yung Nova
- Album
Calculated Expressions
- Version
Radio - Explicit - Acapella - Instrumental - Show Mix
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Yung Nova
- Label
Big Rig Records
- Contact
Reggie POPS Anders
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Website
VirDiKO…#1 Trusted Website For Professional DJ’s! #WeWORK
Stix featuring Yung Nova
I'm Lit
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Song Overview
***VirDiKO Subscriber Feedback Requested & Appreciated*** You are being serviced the Club Banger, I'm Lit" by Stix produced by Yung Nova. Call Reggie @ 480.310.5145 for more information, interviews, drops, etc. Stixs http://www.twitter.com/tharealstixs