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    mika- imob
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Coming Soon! Cover CRDJS Logo


Memphis Queen

I'm My Own Boss (IMOB)


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Song Overview

Making a living on your own as a single parent isn't the easiest thing to do... But where there's a will, there's always a way. Memphis Queen debuts her new single "I'm My Own Boss or IMOB".

DJ Feedback

Hot shit Queen is da real deal. For da Streets. In rotation!!!! Drop please....

Erik de Redd, , Jacksonville, USA

Bump Out for the M Town

DJ1LUV, Memphis, TN USA


DJ 12play, Chesapeake, VA USA

will give some spins

DjBangz, Houston, TX United States

good track this should go in the clubs


Always rocking with this one. We got a HIT lil sis... You know whats up!!

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/USA

Hard. She spitting. Beat slapping. I'd like to see a major push from it. Will work on mixtapes and clubs. A dope visual is necessary for it.

Tony Davis The DJ, Alabama

Dope lyrics good concept.. Real street record

Kay Black, , Jacksonville Fl

A good song for the streets & Mixtapes

TampaMystic, , ATL

Cool record something for mixtapes.

Dj seizure, , Miami, fl

Fire!!!! Fire!!!! FIRe!!!!!

Bigg V, USA/Europe

I can dig it

Evryting Criss, , DurhamNC

It's definitely a record for mixtape & the streets

djhypemancrunk, , Tennessee

Song Dope... Mixtapes/Mixshow ready

Dj HeadBussa, Tampa

decent tack. should do great on mixshows etc. ground work in atlanta market recommended

kingpin, atlanta


Dj Kenni Starr, France

need a radio edit for this please email to rollxxxbookings@yahoo.com

Rollxxx, Alexandria/New Orleans, LA US



love the beat n rappin you killed it I'm feelng it I need some dj drops,, ty

djwill da thrill, owensboro ky 42301

Hot, need a drop ( YOUR IN THE MIX WITH DJ BULL ON POWER94) send to shudson1229@yahoo.com

Dj Bull, Pearland Tx

send a clean track with a drop and mention 94.2 blazin in the drop. Follow us on twitter @942blazin


Fire Trap Hook Up, Need A Service Pack On This Heat Please

DJ Murdock, Indpls, In. U.S.

Good track. Will put it out there. Thanks

Sam LaBelle, San Francisco, CA USA