1. 1
    Dave Skillz - Murda [Prod. Donnie Gambino]
    Album: Juicin Thru The City
  2. 2
    Dave Skillz - Murda [Prod. Donnie Gambino] clean
    Album: Juicin Thru The City

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Juicin Thru The City Cover Infamous Sound Music Line Logo


Dave Skillz



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Song Overview

Murda is having a down ass female who is out here killin it in every way
prod by Donnie Gambino

DJ Feedback

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL USA

I like this. Send me a drop and I will include this on my show. I'm on FOUR stations and all of my "re-podcasts" are on iheartradio, Spotify, & ITunes. Great way to reach out to a new fanbase etc ya dig

dj mingo, Atlanta, GA, USA