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    06 My Ex
    Album: Coming Soon
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    my ex mastered clean
    Album: Coming Soon

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MBK Twins

My Ex


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Song Overview

Everyone has a ex that they don't mess with. Well mbk twins gives you a hit single telling the world how they don't mess with a particular ex.
BOOKING INFO: greenhousemanagement2015@gmail.com

DJ Feedback

I'm fucking with this. Dope beat. A concept LOTS ppl can relate to, myself included.

MzOnPointPromo, Ocala, FL USA

Thumbs up!! im fucking wit it. i will definitely try this record in my market


I think it's a good record. I wish it was a Lil more versatility with the Auto-Tune, if your going to use it...I DO have a ex I don't mess with though!

Dj Jus Swagg, , Washington, USA

I have a show on NLD RADIO (TUNEIN) called "The Grind Show", and in it's programming there is a segment called "The Shoutout". The concept is simple and to the point. I tag each artists single with their "ShoutOut" to give the record a more organic feel, and it also lets listeners hear the artists voice, etc plus it gives the show a live presence.... Ya dig... Drop Script: Whuts good this is (you) and when im in Atlanta im tuned into nldradio with dj mingo. (once you say that, you can briefly shoutout your social feeds etc) Your track will be uploaded with, and without the drop, added to our rotation, and included in our mixtape series. If you are interested here is how you get involved: http://goo.gl/pTunDp


A track that most can relate to in rap form...Will give this a go on a mixtape

DJ Evryting Criss, , Durham NC

Dope some lol I'm sure every male can relate

Dj Enferno, , Minneapolis, MN

definitely fucking with this record. Alot of people can relate so its gonna be easy to work this record.

DJ Seizure, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale

i fux with this

da king djej, cordele ga

Dope track


I'm fucking with it kus I can relate lol. Banger need this track ASAP

Kay Black, , Jacksonville

banger. need drops to service to the djs. great track, mixtape djs will feature this track

kingpin, atlanta

Definitely a club record do u have any promo material toput in the streets

djhypemancrunk, , Tennessee

I like the production. Song not bad actually, I would like to hear the song with the autotune. But its solid though, video is dope too.

Dj HeadBussa, Tampa/FL/USA

Hard!!! Superb quality! Club ready, mixtape ready!!! Can't say enough! And the concept!!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!

Tony Davis The Dj, , Alabama

Track is pretty good.

DJ Evryting Criss, , Durham NC

Video production was A1 good concept

Dymnd Daily, , Tampa fl

Love this, Def has a nice flow & vibe

TampaMystic, , Atlanta GA


DJ winn, FL

like dis.need a drop

dj barry, Fayetteville,NC