1. No Pressure
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. No Pressure (Clean)
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Sq Lac

No Pressure


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Song Overview

CLS Music Group presents Sq Lac with his hit single "No Pressure" produced by Dynomite. For Bookings or Features contact Sip @ 4046977191

DJ Feedback

solid track. I most definitely support this record. production is A1 #nopressure in rotation on my dj'S set Wednesday and will be on upcoming mixtape #macksippient #usadjs #coolrunningsdjs. send me drops

Macksippi, , Greenville, USA

I have “TWO” shows, one is on NLD RADIO (TUNEIN) called "The Grind Show", and the other is on Virdiko Global Radio. In it's programming there is a segment called "The Shoutout". The concept is simple and to the point. I tag each artists single with their "ShoutOut" to give the record a more organic feel, and it also lets listeners hear the artists voice, etc plus it gives the show a live presence.... Ya dig... Drop Script: Whuts good this is (you) and when im in Atlanta im tuned into The Grind Show with dj mingo. (once you say that, you can briefly shoutout your social feeds etc) Your track will be uploaded with, and without the drop, added to our rotation, and included in our mixtape series.


I like the vibe. Smooth and laid Back. I can ride to This. I'll try it out.

DJ Shalamar, , The South/Fl/US

I like the vibe. Smooth and laid Back. I can ride to This. I'll try it out.

DJ Shalamar, , The South/Fl/US

cool song i like the vibe

dj cube, atl


DJ BIG BOI, panama city, FLA

Cool vibe, something to ride out to in the car for a mixtape.

DJ Seizure, Lauderhill

Hard!!! From the beat to the flow. Open to adding it to some future mixtapes. This song slap.

Tony Davis The DJ, Alabama

The production is crisp, its clean, vocals sound right. The title is good as well. I'd definitely be playing this record. HMU if you're interested in being on my radio show. @djmshypnotique @thehypnotiqueeffect

DJ Ms.Hypnotique, Memphis, TN/USA


Dj Kenni Starr, France

Hot Trap Track

DJ Murdock, Indpls, In. U.S.