1. Dom Kennedy ft Nipsey Hussle - Pleeze Explicit
    Album: Coming Soon
  2. Dom Kennedy ft Nipsey Hussle - Pleeze Explicit Intro
    Album: Coming Soon
  3. Dom Kennedy ft Nipsey Hussle - Pleeze Radio
    Album: Coming Soon
  4. Dom Kennedy ft Nipsey Hussle - Pleeze Radio Intro
    Album: Coming Soon
  5. Dom Kennedy ft Nipsey Hussle - Pleeze Instrumental
    Album: Coming Soon

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Dom Kennedy feat Nipsey Hussle

Pleeze (Get Home Safely)


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Song Overview

Dom Kennedy's laid back tracks have been gaining him independant respect from the West Coast and worldwide. With the help of neighborhood Nip Hussle) asks you to pleeze get home safely!

DJ Feedback

HOT Hip Hop!!!

Cool Ice Water, Ft. Walton Beach, FL USA

This joint Knocks!


one of the top underground hip hop djs

dj sol, atlantic city/nj/usa

that's the heat..

djbiglou163, bronx, new york

Dom and Nipsey go way harder than Kendrick, truth be told. Keep doing ya thang kinfolk. If yall ever in Dallas, holla at me!!

DJ Ken Folke, , Dallas, Tx

This cut has a hypnotic affect on the ear . DJs will pick up once into the cut. Lets place a low budget radio tour for state of Georgia test its strength/ interested holla at the old Jack . e me!

Jumpin Jack Promotions, , Marietta GA USA

dom be jammin

Dj Tony Mo,

will play on mixz shows and in clubs

dj 7(n-da-mixz c2c), , coast2coast, usa

nice record will give some spins

DjBiggKen-Dallas106HipHop, , Dallas,Tx

West Coast!!!! Nipsey is the King of the West! Real Talk. Dom is right up there with him. Real Niggas eating off the real Music. Pleeze Let it be known...

djmajorone, , SPOKANE VALLEY

Nice idea for a song--don't hear too many songs with a decent message telling the people to be on the look out-very creative. nice lyrics!!!

DJ Norman, , Winter Haven, FL