1. Mare ft Flamin Lacez Big NOT - Put It Down Dirty
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. Mare ft Flamin Lacez Big NOT- Put It Down Clean
    Album: Coming Soon!
  3. Mare ft Flamin Lacez Big NOT - Put It Down Acapella
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Coming Soon! Cover Renaissance Records Logo


Mare' ft Flamin Lacez & Big-N.O.T



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Song Overview

This single is from the upcoming album "Writers Point of View" (W.P.O.V) releasing this fall by Mare'. Flaming Lacez Produced 90% of the project so get ready to hear more heat from this producer. Big-N.O.T also has this continuous bass smashing hit on his album as well "The Fall Off" (T.F.O)

DJ Feedback

Nice track.

MP Marcus, , Clapham

Yeah its happending/ no hype it will move. Let do a weekend in GA radio promotions interested 404 734 2989 Wali Holla .

Jumpin Jack Pl/ Promo, , Jonesboro GA. USA

this a bang goals hard....some of dat yellow...StreetUnitEntertainment@yahoo.com

S.U.E., , El Paso,Tx/USA

Nice tract & lyrics....

DJ Ike T, , New Orleans

album filler but good potential

dj greg robinson, , sheffield / uk

will put in the mix cud u do me some drops pls heres a wee mix enjoy http://rnb11.podomatic.com/entry/2013-10-17T15_06_32-07_00

thedon, , corby uk

nice track, ill spin

DJ Murdock, , Indpls, In U.S.

nice track

EDDIE KRUGA, , midlands UK

The hype groove that has those teens bouncing off the wall(s).
