Mc Stik-E Feat DJ Prime - Say Wuuuut International RemixMain Mastered
Mc Stik-E Feat DJ Prime - Say Wuuuut International RemixMain Mastered
Mc Stik-E Feat DJ Prime - Say Wuuuut International RemixInstrumental Mastered
- Title
Say Wuut!
- Artist
MC Stik-E Ft. DJ Prime
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Main - International - Main Inst - International Inst
- Category
Disc Jockey
- Genre
- Producer
DJ Prime
- Label
DJ International
- Contact
Marc "XL" Goldstein info@newdigital12inch.com
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.70 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
VirDiKO…#1 Trusted Website For Professional DJ’s! #WeWORK

MC Stik-E Ft. DJ Prime
Say Wuut!
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Song Overview
These guys are no joke! DJ Prime take's the AV8 Classic "Say Wuut" by MC Stik-E and Crooklyn Clan and DESTROYS IT @ 128 BPM. He also add's Stik-E's Hit record "Shake What Ya Mama Gave Ya" BOOK THESE GUYS NOW TOGETHER OR SOLO! and watch them perform it live! Contact Marcus (646) 704-6652 info@newdigital12inch.com