1. 1
    Ripcord - Shoe Box Money
    Album: Trap Talk vol2.

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Trap Talk vol2. Cover  Logo



Shoe Box


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Song Overview

"SHOE BOX" is the second single of the upcoming project "TRAP TALK VOL2." In this single Ripcord is being the poet that he is by displaying the fact that no matter your stuggle as long as you have hustle you can prevail (overcome). Shoe Box Money is a mindset! I Got that Shoe Box money!!!

DJ Feedback


Djbillblast, USA, CT USA

Real Westside Pratt City Salute @Ripcordbamaboy

DJ Greg TRBB, Birmingham, AL USA


Dj Pyrex, Indianapolis, IN USA

Very Nice Track... I will Spin It

Dj Tweezy, , Birmingham, Al USA