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Album: Single
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Kween Juice ft. Gloss Up - Situation (Radio)Album: Single
- Title
- Artist
Kween Juice ft Gloss UP
- Album
- Version
Radio - Explicit
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Big Gurl Music Group
- Contact
Gijane (manager)
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.86 out of 5
- Video Url
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Kween Juice ft Gloss UP
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Song Overview
Gangsta Rap personifies the artists that reflect its core values and beliefs. Pioneers like NWA and influences of Maino, DMX and Remy Ma increase it's overall value on the industry. It's unique when life imitates art, and Kween Juice is THAT artist who solidifies that statement .The Midwest's newest sensation, KweenJuice takes the torch that's been placed in her possession and places it in front of her mouth, burning all in the path of the flame. A rapper's rapper, for all intents and purposes she commands respect due to the lifestyle that mirrors her craft. She's Naptown's own but fathered by the mean streets of Gary, IN and the hust l a z at long last have the irpoetress who resides atop of No Trace Records/LFE/Yungin Chasing Million$. To some she's known as BG, but t h e game recognizes her as Kween Juice. Stay Tuned for her debut mixtape!