SLOW SONG by Zay Foggs
03 Instrumental Zay Foggs High Rez
04 Acc Zay Foggs A Cappella High Rez
02 slow song album high resolution Zay Foggs
- Title
Slow Song
- Artist
Zay Foggs ft. Bo Watson
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Radio - Main - Inst - Acapella
- Category
- Genre
- Producer
Uncle Jamz and The LaBeaud Boys
- Label
- Contact
Sid Vicious
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.58 out of 5
- Video Url
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Zay Foggs ft. Bo Watson
Slow Song
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Song Overview
Radio: going for adds now Retail (wherever digital downloads are sold) For additional information, contact: Management - M.E.C.A.P. 513.381.3948 mecapmusic@gmail.com or sidviciousjamz@gmail.com Promotions and Marketing: J Jones Entertainment 513.200.4856 jjonesent@gmail.com