1. Neno Jayee - Star (Explicit)
    Album: Coming Soon
  2. Neno Jayee - Star (Edited)
    Album: Coming Soon

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Neno Jayee



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Song Overview

STAR - the Word Star is used as an Acronym. Star stands for Surviving Taking All Risk. In the song Star Neno explains, how he got it out the Mudd while running through Alabama and Atlanta’s streets.

Booking/Contact Info 256-493-1624

Email Tdgmanagement10@gmail.com

DJ Feedback

DJ Drop?

DJ BudOlYella, El Dorado, AR USA

that joint ready

Katdaddy Marshall, Winston-Salem, NC USA

Nice Vibe, I have a Radio show that is on two radio stations and the re-podcasts are on iheartradio. Send Me a drop and will get this on it.


nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL USA


DJ Big 6, Spartanburg, SC USA

ready made fire salute

DJ Baby G, Colorado Springs


Echia F Baby (pleeeease say da baby), KY/TN

Rotation ready

djhypemancrunk, , Gates Tn USA

very good

Sabrina, Ny