Yung Chino - Sumthin Bouta (Explicit)Album: Coming Soon!
Yung Chino - Sumthin Bouta (Radio)Album: Coming Soon!
- Title
Sumthin Bouta
- Artist
Yung Chino
- Album
Coming Soon!
- Version
Radio - Explicit
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
SplendidMuzikGroup YCESMG CheckRunnerz
- Contact
Anthony Crook / Vince Roberts
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.90 out of 5
- Video Url
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Yung Chino
Sumthin Bouta
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Song Overview
This record “Sumthin Bouta” is a record that describes the power women have over men and men have over women in any aspect be it mind body or soul control that spirals individual to either act out in an acquired or unacquired manner thru lust or love and even plain out hatred or jealousy . The record was inspired by true events and experiences that have taken place with the artist or that the artist has either heard about or witnessed of the world . #SumthinBouta #AhNoOOOiEEE