01 Hugo Bandulu feat Faby Bandulu Enagee Brooks - To The Ceiling
02 Hugo feat Fabby Bandulu Enagee - To The Ceiling inst
- Title
To The Ceiling
- Artist
Hugo Feat. Fabby Bandulu & Enagee Brooks
- Album
Album Coming Soon!
- Version
Main & Instrumental
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Enagee Brooks/Bandulu Werks Ent
- Label
Bandulu Werks Ent
- Contact
Enagee Brooks
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.36 out of 5
- Video Url
VirDiKO…#1 Trusted Website For Professional DJ’s! #WeWORK
Hugo Feat. Fabby Bandulu & Enagee Brooks
To The Ceiling
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Song Overview
Crazy Hip Hop track from Jamaica! Playing on Fame fm, links fm. video playing on RETV, HYPETV, CVM E-Strip countdown!rnrnSelf made hustler, businessman, CEO/recording artist Hugo hits the scene with his explosive debut single 'To the ceiling'rnThis motivational yet braggadocious club/street anthem is a declaration of self confidence that will have the streets clubs and radio buzzing, with eads singing the infectious chorus, I've got swag, swagger to the ceiling! Contact 876 472 3209 banduluwerks@gmail.com