1. 1
    Yung Jones - Trap Bunkin ft Steeze Loueeze (Dirty)
    Album: The Omega
  2. 2
    Yung Jones - Trap Bunkin ft Steeze Loueeze (Clean)
    Album: The Omega

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Yung Jones ft. Steeze Loueeze

Trap Bunkin


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Song Overview

Trap Bunkin is the epitome of street music. Yung Jones and Steeze Loueeze Collaborate to make a soulful ground shaker. The catchy hook paves the way to a vision inside ones mind.

DJ Feedback

Hot.. Lets get this in rotation. Holla back

DJ Sammy Jammy, Miami Beach, FL USA

I have “TWO” shows, one is on NLD RADIO (TUNEIN) called "The Grind Show", and the other is on Virdiko Global Radio. To be apart of this peep it: Send me a drop Drop Script: Whuts good this is (you) and when im in Atlanta im tuned into The Grind Show with dj mingo. (once you say that, you can briefly shoutout your social feeds etc) Your track will be uploaded with, and without the drop, added to our rotation, and included in our mixtape series.


nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

Ok track...good for introductory purposes..like your delivery and flow tho would love to hear more

Ms Echia,

Trap anthem of the summer forsho! Its a go.


Street banger, I also think the clubs will rock to it.

TampaMystic, ATL

Dope song extra catchy! Summer mixtape and club banger #runnit

Dj Pryme Time Ga/Tn, , Ga/tn

Cool record, not a main single but something to get your name out. Mixtapes would be good for this song.

DJ Seizure, Miami/Ft Lauderdale

def a club record ill give it a spin good trap record beat is fye

dj lil nick, middle ga / south ga

good record not a single tho and it will def bang on mixtapes also

Chill Will, , Valdosta Gav

Its a solid track, not a sible in my opinion. Should do good on mixtapes

Kingpin, atlanta

street shit

siR jam, NOLA thru d town

i can work it!!,where da acappella?

dj emenence, usa