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    Jess Classic _Very Alert (feat. Jadakiss)_
    Album: Coming Soon
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    Jess Classic _Very Alert (feat. Jadakiss) [clean]
    Album: Coming Soon

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Jess Classic @jessclassic ft. JadaKiss

Very Alert


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Song Overview

Jadakis provides a cinematic hook for “Very Alert”, the single from the new mixtape “Industry Standard” by the up-and-coming Buffalo, NY rapper, Jess Classic. The two weave seamlessly over the hypnotic beat by London On Da Track, combined with a hot video you can’t take your eyes off.

CONTACT BOOKING INFO: Jeremy “Cochise” Ball 347-256-0007 jeremycball@gmail.com

DJ Feedback

nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL USA


Dj J Swift The Mix OG, Middletown, DE USA

DOPE!!! We will be adding this track into our rotation but I need some drops. Please contact our music director at queenhorizon@endpradio.com - in the meantime download our app or ask Alexa to play ENDP Radio

DJ C-Mac, Dallas