Kilo M.O.E ft Hecdakid - Watch What Ya Say (Explicit)Album: Fly G'z and Palm Treez
Kilo M.O.E ft Hecdakid - Watch What Ya Say (Radio)Album: Fly G'z and Palm Treez
- Title
Watch What Ya Say
- Artist
Kilo M.O.E ft Hecdakid
- Album
Fly G'z and Palm Treez
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
M. Jones, D. Pouncy, E. Wilson
- Label
O.M.G Entertainment, inc.
- Contact
Maurice Jones , CEO/owner
- Region
North East
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.00 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
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Kilo M.O.E ft Hecdakid
Watch What Ya Say
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Song Overview
Kilo M.O.E started his musical journey soon after ending his long lived successful career as a personal trainer and body builder.
Maurice Jones also known by his stage name Kilo M.O.E has become a highly praised independent artist with rising nationwide recognition.