1. King Obie ft Peezy Blasco & Shine Rich Zoe - We On (Explicit)
    Album: haitian sensation
  2. King Obie ft Peezy Blasco & Shine Rich Zoe - We On (Radio)
    Album: haitian sensation

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King Obie ft Peezy Blasco & Shine Rich Zoe

We On


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Song Overview

Via King Obie: the song we on represent haiti /haitians back then me and my boyz use to get jump just for being a zoe now to see things change i feel like we on. the song can be use as a anthem for sport, stripclubs nd etc.

DJ Feedback

Very Clean Mix! Dope Mixtape Track. i wouldn't push it as a single but very quality track for the streets!

DJ QUAKE, Pensacola, FL USA


DJ Big 6, Spartanburg, SC USA

Cool record. Not a main single to push though.

DJ Seizure, Miami, FL

Cool record, a little long tho. Vibe is chill

TampaMystic, ATL

i love the concept .. ok track

ms echia, KY/TN