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Sleepy Loco ft Sauce Walka and Sauce WoodWinnin - What I’m On (Explicit)Album: Single
Sleepy Loco ft Sauce Walka and Sauce WoodWinnin - What I’m On (Radio)Album: Single
- Title
What I’m On
- Artist
Sleepy Loco ft Sauce Walka and Sauce WoodWinnin
- Album
- Version
Explicit - Radio
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
Iceman Chanberlain
- Label
Lifted Life Entertainment LLC
- Contact
Christopher Mosby
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.86 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
- TikTok
VirDiKO…#1 Trusted Website For Professional DJ’s! #WeWORK
Sleepy Loco ft Sauce Walka and Sauce WoodWinnin
What I’m On
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Song Overview
I flew to Houston to meet Sauce Walka and his crew . We hung out , played a few video games and connected personally first . Shortly after that Iceman Chamberlain Walked in the room and started making beats . The first beat he made ended up being the beat I wanted and we made the song right then and there .