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    K Michelle - Wish I Could Be Her Radio
    Album: The Hold Over

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The Hold Over Cover Atlantic Recordings Logo



Wish I Could Be Her


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Song Overview

New Music by K. Michelle titled "WISH I COULD BE HER" from The Hold Over EP

DJ Feedback

Tight!! Will play.

dj 12play, , Chesapeake,Va USA


yatta, , detroit

nice voice


will put in the mix cud u do me some drops pls for my radio show

thedon, , corby uk

I like it. hi, this dj nawdy CEO of Who Dat Dj & ENt. send me a drop "dj nawdy run dat BEat"

dj NAWDY, , new orleans dallas

Thats my Girl right there! Dope Vocalist and sh ot out for the drops!!

D-Tragic, , Oxnard, CA.

its okay

DJ Sed Sands, , miami,fl



nice need a drop 4 my radio show thx

jammaster s, , germany

Love K.Michelle.....nice song, Can I get a drop from you K?

BammBammDaDj, , RIchmond, Va

smooth like butter Some drops would be appreciated Will spin on my radio show NW RADIO USA

EDDIE KRUGA, , midlands UK

Not a bad record. Her records are consistant. Will put on a mixtape!

DJ King Arthur, , DMV

Hot Track. I LIKE this one K !!!!! Nice. Would love a drop from you !!!!

Dj Pat Luv, , Austin, Tx

nice i like

Dj New New, , Longview/Texas/United states

happy hour flow


K Michelle is finally stretching out so that we can hear her range. she has so much emotion in her voice that she's going straight to the top. Just keep singing from your heart K and you'll stay on top of your game. You Have Such Power in Your Voice KMichelle - Sing, Baby Sing.

Reality Ausetkmt, , Palm Beach, FL USA


Straw, , Dallas

Will get rotation.

D.J.SLICKK, , Atlanta,Ga.