1. Decatur Redd ft Bigga Rankin - Yayo (Dirty)
    Album: Coming Soon!
  2. Decatur Redd ft Bigga Rankin - Yayo (Clean)
    Album: Coming Soon!
  3. Decatur Redd ft Bigga Rankin - Yayo (Short Intro Dirty)
    Album: Coming Soon!

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Coming Soon! Cover Bigga IS Betta Logo


Decatur Redd feat. Bigga Rankin



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Song Overview

"Yayo" from Decatur Redd ft. Bigga Rankin is definitely a hit you can mark in your books. This street savoy song is one for the clubs and one just for the ride. For More Information on Decatur Redd call Mac @404-644-0549

DJ Feedback

Hot joint need this on my new mixtape send drops to #DjBME djbme252@gmail.com #DjBME x Virdiko Exklusives mixtape Dropping this month last mixtape of the year

Dj BME, , Plymouth, USA

Sounds cool . Like to put it in rotation on my radio show starting back up next month. Holla back

DJ Sammy Jammy, Miami Beach, FL USA

I have “TWO” shows, one is on NLD RADIO (TUNEIN) called "The Grind Show", and the other is on Virdiko Global Radio. To be apart of this peep it: Send me a drop Drop Script: Whuts good this is (you) and when im in Atlanta im tuned into The Grind Show with dj mingo. (once you say that, you can briefly shoutout your social feeds etc) Your track will be uploaded with, and without the drop, added to our rotation, and included in our mixtape series.


nice track

DJ Partytyme, Birmingham, AL us

Need a video but good trap song for the streets

DJ Such N Such, , Atlanta/Ga/United States

Hard record. Clubs, mixtapes, & websites! I'm fucking wit it.

Tony Davis, Alabama

Dope record, something for the streets.

DJ Seizure, Miami, FL

its ok. i'll try it on my radio show on wednesday nights

DJ BIG BOI, panama city, fla

It's a okay track good for mixtape placement didn't really pop to me

Kay black, , Jacksonville Fl

Definitely a good street & mixtape record. I like the flow

TampaMystic, Atlanta

Hot Mixtape song, I would like to see a visual. The artist is spitting though.

Dj HeadBussa, Tampa


Dj Kenni Starr, France

Nice! Though the topic may not fit mosts lifestyle, he still found a way to have others feel the emotion and still connect. Keep it coming Redd!!!

Dayo-Negasi, , Chicago, AmeriKKKa

Its A Cool Track, Ill See What It Do

DJ Murdock, Indpls, In. U.S.


DJ J ROC, , Oklahoma City