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Album: Christ Through Crisis
- Title
You Remain - Worship Through Crisis
- Artist
Lasha' Knox and Another Dimension Worship
- Album
Christ Through Crisis
- Version
- Category
- Genre
- Producer
Pastor John "PJ Beats" Elmore/ Joshua "JFresh" Dunson
- Label
Ark Studios Records
- Contact
Tocarro Combs
- Region
South West
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.92 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
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Lasha' Knox and Another Dimension Worship
You Remain - Worship Through Crisis
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Song Overview
In the midst of the COVID-19 Coronavirus scare that has plagued our nation, Lasha & Another Dimension Worship (of The 3D Church) decided to come together and worship in their very own Ark Studios in Atlanta, GA! Never let your surrounding atmosphere interfere with your worship! #JesusWillNeverBeQuarantined