02 You re A Superstar no rap
03 You re A Superstar instru
04 You re A Superstar a capella
- Title
You're A Superstar
- Artist
Zay Foggs Featuring Skypp
- Album
Coming Soon
- Version
Radio w/ rap - Radio w/o rap - Instr - A Capella
- Category
- Genre
- Producer
Uncle Jamz & D.Hittz Co-Produced by Christopher Kelly & Billybad
- Label
- Contact
Management: Sid "Uncle Jamz" Johnson at sidviciousjamz@gmail.com
- Region
Mid West
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
4.60 out of 5
- Video Url
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Zay Foggs Featuring Skypp
You're A Superstar
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Song Overview
For additional information, bookings, drops, features, etc., contact management: Uncle Jamz at
sidviciousjamz@gmail.com Twitter: @UncleJamz
This is the first uptempo single from r&b singer Zay Foggs, having had two well recieved ballads: "Slow Song" and "I Don't Wanna Sleep". On the main version, Foggs gets an assist from hot Midwest rapper Skypp. There is also a version with no rap. The young singer has appeared on concerts with Frankie Beverly and Maze, Charlie Wilson, The O'Jays, Monica, Jaheim, Midnight Star, S.OS. Band and Tank.