Hogg Booma ft Slim Thug & Dj Chose - Had To Remix (Dirty)Album: N/A
Hogg Booma ft Slim Thug & Dj Chose - Had To Remix (Clean)Album: N/A
Hogg Booma ft Slim Thug & Dj Chose - Had To Remix (Intro Dirty)Album: N/A
Hogg Booma ft Slim Thug & Dj Chose - Had To Remix (Intro Clean)Album: N/A
- Title
Had To Remix
- Artist
Hogg Booma ft Slim Thug & Dj Chose
- Album
- Version
Radio - Explicit - Remix
- Category
Rap Artist
- Genre
- Producer
- Label
Hustler Made
- Contact
Dj Jaybone
- Region
- Kbps
- Downloads
- Rating
5.00 out of 5
- Video Url
- Website
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Hogg Booma ft Slim Thug & Dj Chose
Had To Remix
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Song Overview
Texas very own Hogg Booma teams up with Slim Thug & Dj Chose for the release of the "Had To Remix". Chef P produced the track, which by itself gained much traction and for that it was a fact that they "Had To" do the remix. DJ Jaybone brings us this new banger. Support and feedback is greatly appreciated.